Monday, June 07, 2004

Blogging before I sleep

I came back from dropping some friends at their hotel, and ended up working for about half an hour with a nice lady called Lily in China. Once I was done, I quickly went through a news article about Ronald Reagan. Despite all the accomplishments of a great president, the single most memorable image I have of him is from the Genesis video for their song 'Land of confusion'. It has a Spitting Image puppet of Ronald Reagan (as well as other politicians, and even the band themselves), and it was hilarious! I took a quick look online, and found a clip here.

Rather than take the easy way out, and use Land of Confusion as the song of the day, I will pick something else.

Song of the day: Kansas - Dust in the wind.
Why this song? I am feeling rather insignificant at the moment, and "all we are is dust in the wind' sums that up quite nicely. If there are any fans of the tv series Highlander out there, they will also recognise this song from the second season, at the end of the episode entitled 'The Darkness'. After the death of his girlfriend Tessa, Duncan Macleod is shown in their apartment, reliving the precious moments that they spent together.

Is it truly better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?


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